Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How do you say "Push?"

I took the time to learn a few words of Tamil before I went to Kodai...and they served me well, but...the physio clinic rang with the words "how do you say...?" during my 2 week stay! I would shout out my request and somewhere over the din, Raja or Arun, or even occasionally, another patient, would shout out the Tamil for me to use. Try performing PNF patterns without speaking the language if you want to be humbled quickly! We worked it out...a lot of demonstrating, a lot of miming, and A LOT of laughing by both parties. No worry, laughter is indeed the BEST MEDICINE.

My second week in Kodai, I was joined by 10 young pre-med students/volunteers. Arkansas, Temple, Notre Dame, Michigan and Ohio State all in the house. Several of them shadowed me and got their first taste of acupuncture. Hopefully, it was a good taste. I give these young guns credit for traveling so far away at such a young age. This will change them, if they let it!

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