Everybody thinks needles, of course, when you refer to Acupuncture Therapy. Rightly so! But, indeed, there are many other tools that are commonly integrated into an Acupuncture Therapy treatment. Laser, Cupping, Electric Stim, Guasha (scraping, IASTM), FAKTR, Taping are all frequent additions to my treatments.
Occasionally, situations will warrant these be the primary or stand alone treatment. Above is a prime example...dirty, messy, rainy, busy rodeo. Not the prime environment for acupuncture, but plenty of other ways to get the job done!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Dynamic Taping
I love #Dynamic Taping. The tape itself stretches in every direction (unlike KTape), has great resiliency and sports a cool tribal tattoo pattern. Unlike KTape, this is a biomechanical taping method, meaning it crosses joints and provides actual physical modifications to the body. It speaks to the Athletic Trainer in me! I love it and I promise you, this will be "The thing" you see in the next Olympics! And yes, that is a real cowboy!
AZ Spine Disc and Sport,
dynamic taping,
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